Product Description With all new narrative content, this add-on begins as Vault Hunters Axton and Gaige catch up on the story thus far via The Holodome Onslaught, a new challenge arena that lets players fight through wave after wave of exciting enemies and bosses. The Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack (level cap increase) I think we are getting screwed. They replaced a Campaign with a Character and this can take the place of the upgrade pack, so that leaves us with only 2 more DLCs to go, who know what we will get. I heard one DLC is another character, so the #4 better be a campaign.
Gearbox has revealed more details regarding the Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode for the latest entry in its popular first-person shooter franchise, Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel.
The Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack: The Holodome Onslaught, the second DLC expansion since the title's release at the middle of October, is coming out on December 16, delivering some additional story content and some familiar faces, as well as new weapons, class mods, and customization options.
The upgrade will increase the character level cap to 60, which means that Vault Hunters everywhere will have 10 additional levels to grind and 10 more skill points to spend.
Gamers will be able to play through The Holodome Onslaught, a brand new challenge arena where they will meet the deadliest enemies ever seen in the world of Borderlands.
In addition to this, Gearbox also mentions that everyone will benefit from a free update, adding a third playthrough, the Ultimate Vault Hunter mode, a much more challenging adventure, boasting the ability to reset campaign progress at any time and to replay the game as many times as you would like.

Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack The Holodome Onslaught

The update will also introduce a number of changes, taking effect when playing in the new game mode.
A challenge for everyone
Enemies will scale depending on player level, in order to provide a testing experience, and when you're playing together with your friends, enemies will scale to the highest-level player in the party.
Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode will be unlocked for any character, once the main story missions are completed in the formerly released True Vault Hunter Mode. Timberman download.
Richman10 download. Additionally, characters also need to be level 50 in order to be able to access the special game mode that enables another playthrough, and allows gamers to find even better loot.
While true: learn() soundtrack download free. The Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode will offer regular enemies a 1.5x health and shield multiplier and Badass enemies a 2.5x health multiplier and 3.5x shield multiplier.
Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack: The Holidome Onslaught
In order to offset the change, enemies will have an increased ammo drop rate, and enemies and chests will offer much better gear than in other playthroughs.
Furthermore, gear with elemental resistance will be more effective, as will be weapons that deal elemental damage, in order to provide additional kick against the more resilient enemies.

If you haven't tried the game yet and playing as Claptrap isn't enough of an incentive for you, you can read our review of Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel and see whether there is anything else that might strike your fancy.